Monday, July 16, 2012

Politics, you must be kidding!

When I was small, my teachers used to ask us what we wanted to become when we grew up. My friends would say doctor, engineer or any other lucrative profession. When I was asked, I replied that  I wanted to become a politician. Everybody laughed, for the reasons I was unaware of.  I, now, wonder what triggered those little minds to laugh at my choice.

 Why is there so much of hatred for the politicians in our country? One obvious reason is that , with all due respect to our politicians, our politicians who are in the acme position, what time has shown, are morally lewd, power fanatics and have not been up to the expectations of the people, let it be in the time of Rana or king or even after country have been established as a federal republic.  On top of that, our country has not been able to witness so much of political success despite making much of breakthrough lately. On top of that, our rate of progress has always been hindered by the political turmoil.  For instance, our economic growth of this fiscal year has been the lowest of last 3 years, almost regularly occurring strikes at the last quarter of the fiscal year amid political uncertainty being one of the main reasons.  These may be few of the reasons why general public have not had the positive message from politics.
    Similarly, there are very few paradigms of students who have taken politics as a career from the urban family of higher social status, excluding some business person turned politicians. The politicians generally hail from the rural part of the country with their family not with strong economic backgrounds. The social prestige of politicians is such that the parents do not want their children know about the political news let alone making politicians the idols.
Moreover, political leaders do not have security of their life, and so often they have to run after the signals of other people. When they do not, they make their decision suicidal. One could find many examples where popular, influential and inspirational political leaders have been murdered; Communist leader Madan Bhandari from Nepal, Indira Gandhi and her son Rajiv Gandhi from India, Julfikar Ali  Bhutto and his daughter Bennizer Bhutto from Pakistan , Yitzak Rabin from Isarel are some representatives examples from Asia. Recent murder of judge of supreme court ,Rana Bhadur Bam, is also believed to be connected with some politicals decisions, and  the responsibility of the incident has been taken by a political party. These incidents also push aspiring politicians to have a second thought about their career.
     Despite all the odds, we cannot forget that politics is at the core of any country and it is through the political process and institutions that any nation runs. Keeping these things in mind, the political status of a country needs to be stout if a country is to make any good progress. So, it may be a time for youths to think about becoming political doctors and engineers to rescue the country from bed of political fiasco with a panacea and to create a  new torso of the country.